Theme: My 5 senses

Theme: My 5 senses

5 Senses: SMELL

Hello Learner's,

On Monday, 30 May 2016, We will be looking at our sense of smell.
To smell, we use our nose

We can smell good smells and we can smell bad smells.

Here are some things that smell good:
  • A flower
  • Chocolate
  • Cake and cookies
  • Strawberries
  • Sweets
  • Chips
  • Perfume
  • Shampoo
  • Soap/ shower gel
  • Pizza
And here are some things that smell bad:
  • Smoke
  • Stinky shoes and socks
  • Bad breath
  • Rubbish bin
  • Rotten food
  • Burnt food/toast
  • Doggy doo
  • Pigs
Not all people like the same smells. Some people like the smell of petrol and other people do not like it. We are all different, and we all like different smells. What smell do you like?

Did you know : that when you have a flu or a cold, then your nose is blocked. That means that while you are sick you will not be able to smell so good. That is not nice, so that is why you should drink your medicine that your mom gives you. That you can quickly get better! So that you can smell the nice food your mom is cooking for supper.

Check it out:
Here is a nice video clip with a song about our nose and what we can smell that you can learn.

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